
Mobile App Development


TrafficBuddy is a concept mobile app designed to connect users experiencing trouble while in traffic (e.g., being stuck on a highway during a snowstorm) to provide necessities to drivers like food, water, and medicine.


January – May 2023


Web Developer

Tech Stack

React NextJS



The mobile app concept was built using the React NextJS framework. Coding concepts used included creating and using components for reusable elements, displaying a series of data laid out in a consistent manner using the map method, and storing data in the browser's local storage.

Drivers using the app are able to post a request for an item in need, chat with other drivers to arrange an exchange, and complete a fun knowledge quiz about safe driving practices.

Item Request Functionality

Item Request Functionality

On the item request page, drivers can create a request post for the type of item they are looking for along with their general location.

React useState hook was used to achieve the location and item button functions. Drivers can click on the location target button to set their current location, or click the item icons to select multiple items. Selecting an item icon also updated the icon's background to reflect the selected state.

Chat Functionality

Chat Functionality

This concept page for the chat functionality reflects how a driver communicates with other drivers to exchange items.

This prototype chat function displays an example chat that a driver might experience. Drivers can write their message in the text bar and hitting the send button will update the chat with the driver's actual written message.

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